Data migration
Raw mode
To migrate a Kitsu from an instance to another, you can simply dump the database and restore it to the new instance. Once done, you have to move all the files stored in the preview folder to the preview folder of the new instance.
With Zou CLI
We assume here that you are evolving in the zou virtualenv environment and that all your environment variables are loaded.
Prepare the new instance (reset data)
Clear original database and rebuild tables:
. /etc/zou/zou.env
zou clear-db
zou reset-migrations
zou upgrade-db
Get data
Retrieve base data:
. /etc/zou/zou.env
SYNC_PASSWORD="password" \
zou sync-full --source http://yourpreviouskitsu.url/api --no-projects
Retrieve project data:
. /etc/zou/zou.env
SYNC_PASSWORD="password" \
zou sync-full --source http://yourpreviouskitsu.url/api --only-projects
Retrieve a given project:
. /etc/zou/zou.env
SYNC_PASSWORD="password" \
zou sync-full --source http://yourpreviouskitsu.url/api --project AwesomeProject
If some changes occured after the migration, you can run the command again and retrieve the difference. Beware that deletion won't be handled.
Get files
The previous steps were used to retrieve the data stored in the database.
Retrieve all files:
. /etc/zou/zou.env
SYNC_PASSWORD="password" \
zou sync-full-files --source http://yourpreviouskitsu.url/api
Retrieve files for a given project:
. /etc/zou/zou.env
SYNC_PASSWORD="password" \
zou sync-full-files --source http://yourpreviouskitsu.url/api
If some changes occured after the migration, you can run the command again and retrieve the difference. Beware that deletion won't be handled.