
To solve issues related to your installation, you can do several actions to get information about what is going wrong.

Database status

Prior to look for logs or any clue about your problem, make sure that the database is up and up to date:

. /etc/zou/zou.env
/opt/zou/zouenv/bin/zou upgrade-db

Error logs

Main error logs are stored in the /opt/zou/gunicorn_error.log file. Errors can be explicit. They can tell what is going wrong.

Status route

To know if all the required services are up, you can connect to the following route:

You should see something like this:

    "name": "Zou"
    "database-up": true,
    "event-stream-up": true,
    "job-queue-up": true,
    "key-value-store-up": true,
    "version": "0.11.3",

If one of the service is set to false, it means that it is down or that Zou cannot connect to it. Zou cannot run properly in that case.

NB: Database refers to Posgres, Key Value Store refers to Redis, Event Stream refers to zou-events service, job queue refers to zou-jobs service.

Changing password

If, for any reasons, the user cannot access to his rest password email, you can change his password with the following command:

. /etc/zou/zou.env
/opt/zou/zouenv/bin/zou change-password --password newsecretpassword

Installing on Ubuntu server or minimal desktop

Zou install will require libjpeg-dev to be installed at the 3rd party software step:

sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev

To enable zou to start on reboot

sudo systemctl enable zou zou-events

Job queue

Error logs are not displayed in the zou error log files. So you have to check directly the service logs if you look for error messages related to asynchronous jobs (email sending, video normalization and playlist buird).

To see the job queue logs, run the following command:

journalctl -u zou-jobs.service

Postgres connection slots

If your Zou server complains by the lack of connection to Postgres available, you can increase the value of BD_POOL_SIZE (default 30) and DB_MAX_OVERFLOW (default 60). They are two environment variables that must be set in your systemd configuration alongside the others.

If the problem persists, you can dig into pgpool software.

Playlist build failing

Unmatching resolutions

If your previews have different resolutions, the build will fail. Make sure your playlists have movies with the same size.

The build doesn't include pictures, only movies are included.

Disk space

Check logs and look for: OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device

Make sure it's coherent with what your system tells:

df -h
du -sh /opt/zou/previews/movies
du -sh /opt/zou/previews/files
du -sh /opt/zou/previews/pictures

The error is explicit: your drive is full. You have multiple options:

  • Add more space
  • Use a s3 compatible service
  • Delete unused files
  • Delete data into Kitsu old projects, old shots or old preview revisions (or both).
  • Create a cronjob that deletes tmp files older than 5 days:
# clean kitsu tmp folder
17      2       *       *       *       /usr/bin/find /opt/zou/tmp/ -mtime +5 -exec rm {} \;

Unable to successfully upgrade from a much earlier version

If your current working version of Zou is much earlier than the latest version, upgrading directly to the latest may cause problems with the database. This is because occasionally important changes are made to the database during the upgrade process.

The solution is to upgrade in smaller steps, making sure you don't miss any critical versions. Since it can be hard to know which version is critical, one option is to apply all updates one after the other.

The following script can assist by making updating to a specific version and then incrementing to the next quite easy. Add your database password and edit for any other path differences. Run as <script name> <zou version> eg; ./ 0.14.12

. /etc/zou/zou.env
sudo /opt/zou/zouenv/bin/python -m pip install 'zou=='$1 #this is the version number variable
/opt/zou/zouenv/bin/zou upgrade-db
sudo systemctl restart zou zou-events